Saturday, December 13, 2008

Messiah Performance Week Schedule

Messiah Performance Week Schedule

NOTE: ALL remaining rehearsals for Messiah will be at the Alys Stephens Center!

Enter and check-in at back of Jemison Concert Hall downstairs (entrance at foot of stairs)
Leave all coats, purses, etc. in an audience chair - make sure cell phones are OFF
You may have bottled water on the stage for rehearsals....but no open containers or Starbucks!
Space is very tight so please bring only yourself, score, pencil and water to the stage
Reminder: Do not ask any questions of the conductor....make a note of them and ask Philip or Dale later


Monday, Dec. 15 - 6:30 in Concert Hall (or a bit earlier if possible for seating)
Tuesday, Dec. 16 - 6:30 in Concert Hall
Thursday, Dec. 18 - 6:30 in Concert Hall
Friday, Dec. 19 - 7:00 in formal attire in Hulsey Recital Hall (downstairs next door)

All rehearsals are scheduled 7:00-9:30 for this week - Friday's performance starts at 8:00 p.m.


The performance may be sold out by now (it was very close on Wednesday). However, as a reminder, you may NOT present a voucher the night of the performance as a ticket. It must be redeemed for an actual ticket at the ASO Box Office (on 6th Avenue South between 36th and 37th Street).