Saturday, December 20, 2008

the early review: a "Messiah" to be remembered

more here.

Raymond Leppard's concept of how Handel's "Messiah" should go might be a little risky. Choirs and orchestras don't often take kindly to too much manipulation of the score, even in an oratorio for which it's expected.

But the proof is in the listening, and the 81-year-old maestro's brilliant, sculptural vision of multiple choruses and bands of instruments made this "Messiah" one of the most satisfying in memory.

Everything clicked, from the edgy string playing John McElroy's piccolo trumpet, from dramatic airs from the vocal soloists to the 120 voices of the Birmingham Concert Chorale, who seemed genuinely excited about finding unique insights into a 266-year-old annual staple.

Leppard has given Birmingham a "Messiah" to be remembered.