- it felt like we achieved something last night, didn't it? something accomplished, a significant moment
- the applause - sustained - i believe the audience knew that something significant happened last night
- Justin was magnificent - a master at what he does -
- and so was the evangelist and Jesus
- i wrote this in another place - it will appear on Sunday:It is a pity that I didn't enjoy the work until the night of the performance. We only had two months to prepare it - and that is quite difficult for a group of volunteer musicians. My approach was one of some frustration and a feeling of impending doom. I will approach it differently next time - because I caught a glimpse of the genius of the work even though it was far too late.
- i was proud of my choir. you rose to the occasion. you put in extra hours, you studied the score, you attended extra rehearsals.
- i was proud of our entire season - we added many new people and Bach, Handel, Mendelssohn, and Mozart helped transform us into a choir
Saturday, April 10, 2010
A few quick thoughts about last night
Typing quickly before I run out with time for the family: